Inbound Marketing Tactics

Need help with inbound marketing

Intrinsic will Shock you by implementing the best inbound strategies


Become familiar with inbound marketing

Do you feel that your traditional marketing efforts are not delivering as much as you would like? Would you like more conversion? Do you think you should fight for the attention of your target group? Then you are ready for inbound marketing!

With inbound marketing, you attract prospects and customers to your website based on relevant and useful content. The starting point here is that people really benefit from your content. The more relevant this content is for your target group, the greater the chance that they are open to contact. By setting up your website to make connections as quick and easy as possible, we turn interested parties into leads and increase your conversion.


A helicopter view on content

However, many companies are mainly concerned with realizing traffic to their website in the short term. But then it actually only starts. Only when you have visitors you can start working on the conversion. Other companies, on the other hand, are only concerned with writing content, but forget that people must be able to find this information. Shock has experience with all phases of the marketing funnel. We, therefore, work from a helicopter view and look at the long term. Because only then can you develop the most effective inbound marketing campaigns.

Inbound Marketing Strategy


The right content functions as a strong magnet for your clients and forms golden sales leads.

Qualitative lead generation


Alignment between your target group, content and the right customer journey fixes the puzzle.

Conversion optimization


AB-testing, heat-maps, web-optimisation, persuasion design. You name it! We got it covered!

Sales & Marketing funnels


By continuously monitoring this, you shoot less and less with hail. Together we are sharpshooting.