It Is Not the Strongest of the Species that Survives But the Most Adaptable.
Product Market fit consults on business model validation and establishing product market fit. It is one of the most important notions for entrepreneurs for it is also one of the less understood. helps start-ups and corporates structure with a consultancy process to capture and validate ideas through the program, enabling them to acquire value quickly and benefit from the exponential growth of a sustainable and scalable business model.
Thanks to our experience and networks, we provide a fully personalised service to support you until your idea fulfilment. We put emphasis on working together to develop your project and lead it to its best. You will find at Intrinsic the best professionals in their field to assist you through each step.
“The goal is not to be a success but rather to be of value.”
— Jorian Bos
Growth fit
Growth fit helps scale ups to expand internationally and to define product market fit in emerging markets.
Growth fit will help you face new challenges, extending your notoriety, getting the visibility you want to reach, defining new growth strategies, and reviewing your business plans. It will provide you the basic support allowing your business to grow and thrive.
Thanks to our experience and networks, you will find the best professional aid. Indeed, we help you discovering the current business services offered by the best regional specialised providers and accompanying you to the next steps.
Service fit & Outsourcing fit
Having affordable and of quality partners is essential when having a business because every business challenge needs a different approach and specialist.
Intrinsic bases its actions upon knowledge, expertise, network and venture capital because it is at the core of success. helps you discover the current business services offered by the best regional specialised providers.
“A wise person knows that there is an approach to be learned from everyone.”
Business Market fit
When creating, reinvigorating or re-inventing a business model, there needs to be a shared agreement and understanding of what a business model actually entails. The building blocks of a business model need to facilitate both description and discussion and be universally understood and recognisable across any industry.
Intrinsic has therefore developed, what we believe, to be the 9 key building blocks that form the foundation of a business model.
The 9 basic building blocks of a business model show clearly the logic of how a company intends to make money and cover the four main areas of a business: customers, offer, infrastructure and financial viability. There are blueprints for our strategy consultancy to be implemented through organisational structures, processes, tools and systems and without it, it is difficult to truly develop innovative business models.
CryptoCrowd fit
CryptoCrowd fit is a service offered by Intrinsic which consists in helping companies in turning their businesses into blockchain based models thanks to cryptography, assisting them with the creation of their Initial Coin Offering (ICO), and advising them on the way to run and manage it.
“We take digital emancipation to a whole new level. ”